package org.asyrinx.joey.gen.sample1.entity.dao;

import java.io.*;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.*;

import org.asyrinx.brownie.core.query.exp.IExpression;
import org.asyrinx.brownie.core.query.model.Field;
import org.asyrinx.brownie.core.query.model.Table;

import org.asyrinx.joey.gen.sample1.entity.entity.*;

 * [Sat Nov 27 00:03:30 JST 2004]
public interface PartyDao {

    public void save(Party obj);

    public void delete(Party obj);

    public Party load(Serializable key);

    public List select(IExpression expression);

    /** the table name for the party table [Party] パーティ */
    public static final Table PARTY = new Table("party", "org.asyrinx.joey.gen.sample1.entity.entity.Party");

    /** the column name for the column 'party_id' [パーティID] */
    public static final Field PARTY_ID = new Field(PARTY, long.class, "party_id", "partyId");

    /** the column name for the column 'party_code' [パーティコード] */
    public static final Field PARTY_CODE = new Field(PARTY, String.class, "party_code", "partyCode");

    /** the column name for the column 'name' [名前] */
    public static final Field NAME = new Field(PARTY, String.class, "name", "name");

    /** the column name for the column 'name_kana' [カナ名] */
    public static final Field NAME_KANA = new Field(PARTY, String.class, "name_kana", "nameKana");

    public Connection getConnection();

