22 February 2005 - Tapestry 3.1-alpha-1 Released

The first alpha release of the Tapestry web application framework, version 3.1, is now available. Tapestry 3.1 rebuilds Tapestry on top of the HiveMind microkernel. 3.1 is aboult simplifying and improving Tapestry in multiple ways; key features already in place are support for "friendly URLs" (that are compatible with J2EE declarative security), vastly improved and simplified component parameters, simplified specification DTDs and a global message catalog. But don't get us wrong ... there's far, far more coming in the next few releases!

ついに3.1のalpha版がリリースされました。Tapestryが嫌がられる理由のひとつ、あの分かりにくいURLが、3.1では"friendly URLs"と題して解消されるみたい。
vastly improved and simplified component parameters ・・・・とあるんで、正式リリースまでに、まだまだ変更がありそうですな。今S2とTapestryを合わせて使っているんですけど、HiveMindの代わりにS2を使うってのはできるのか?beta版が出たら調査しようかな。
