Trails - DDD(Domain Driven Development)

What is Trails?
The Trails framework is a domain driven development framework inspired by others that have gone before it such as Railsand Naked Objects It‘s goal is to make developing database driven web applications in Java radically easier, faster, and more fun. The basic approach is to eliminate as many of the steps as we can.
What is a Domain Driven Development framework?


How does Trails compare to MDA?
The main, big,important difference between Trails and something like MDA is that MDA and it‘s ilk seem to be mostly about code generation. The problem I always have with code generation is that it‘s still code. Code to maintain, change, and worst of all, worry about how not to step on when I regenerate. With Trails, there is no generated code. You only write code when you want to override what Trails gives you. And since there is no code generation going on, you never have to worry about your code getting stepped on.

With Trails, there is no generated code.