/path/to/project /capistrano /current -> /path/to/project/capistrano/releases/20070220043413 /releases /20070220043413 /app ・・・ /log -> /path/to/project/capistrano/shared/log /public ・・・ /system -> /path/to/project/capistrano/shared/system /tmp /pids -> /path/to/project/capistrano/shared/pids /shared /log /pids /system /trunk /app ・・・
$ mkdir /path/to/project $ cd /path/to/project $ svn checkout /url/to/repository/・・・/trunk ./trunk $ cap setup
あ、config/deploy.rb には予め適切な設定を入れておいてください。
--- cwd: /path/to/project/capistrano/current port: "8000" environment: production address: localhost pid_file: tmp/pids/ servers: 3
rake deploy
で自動的に再起動してくれません。ちなみに、dispatch.[0-9]*.pid という形式じゃないとダメみたいです。
- 複数のRailsアプリなどを一つのリリースに入れて、それぞれdeployしたい時って、どんな風にディレクトリを作ればいいの?
- config/deploy.rbにはsvnのURLとしてtrunkのをとりあえず設定したので、リリースによって変更したいんだけどどうするべき?
/path/to/project/branches/RB-xxxxx を自分でチェックアウトしてそこから rake deployするべきなのかな?
- tmp/sessions は shared/sessions とかにsymlinkしてくれないの?
rake deploy # Push the latest revision into production (delegates to remote:deploy) rake remote:cleanup # Removes unused releases from the releases directory. rake remote:cold_deploy # Used only for deploying when the spinner isn't running. rake remote:deploy # A macro-task that updates the code, fixes the symlink, and restarts the application servers. rake remote:deploy_with_migrations # Similar to deploy, but it runs the migrate task on the new release before updating the symlink. rake remote:diff_from_last_deploy # Displays the diff between HEAD and what was last deployed. rake remote:disable_web # Disable the web server by writing a "maintenance.html" file to the web servers. rake remote:enable_web # Re-enable the web server by deleting any "maintenance.html" file. rake remote:exec # Execute a specific action using capistrano rake remote:invoke # A simple task for performing one-off commands that may not require a full task to be written for them. rake remote:migrate # Run the migrate rake task. rake remote:restart # Restart the FCGI processes on the app server. rake remote:rollback # A macro-task that rolls back the code and restarts the application servers. rake remote:rollback_code # Rollback the latest checked-out version to the previous one by fixing the symlinks and deleting the current release from all servers. rake remote:set_permissions # Sets group permissions on checkout. rake remote:setup # Set up the expected application directory structure on all boxes rake remote:shell # Begin an interactive Capistrano session. rake remote:show_tasks # Enumerate and describe every available task. rake remote:spinner # Start the spinner daemon for the application (requires script/spin). rake remote:symlink # Update the 'current' symlink to point to the latest version of the application's code. rake remote:update # Updates the code and fixes the symlink under a transaction rake remote:update_code # Update all servers with the latest release of the source code. rake remote:update_current # Update the currently released version of the software directly via an SCM update operation rake rollback # Rollback to the release before the current release in production (delegates to remote:rollback)
rollback便利そう、ミスったりしたときとか。rake remote:disable_web/enable_web とか。
rake remote:diff_from_last_deploy でリリースにちゃんと変更箇所が含まれているかどうかを確認したりとか。