

SmartInspect is a message-based debugger and monitoring system for .NET, Delphi and Java. It helps you to identify bugs, find solutions to customer problems and gives you a clear understanding of how your software works in different enviro…

Design-Time API

Design-Time API Promises to make Java more like VBPosted by: Bill Venners on May 05, 2005 @ 04:35 AMArtima has published a short article describing the Design-Time API for JavaBeans, which was recently approved as JSR 273. This API promise…


僕らの音楽で宮沢和史が歌っているところを久しぶりに見た。「島唄」で好きになって、そこから遡って「からたち野道」に感動した。今でも「風になりたい」や「Tokyo Love」を口ずさむけど、ちゃんと聞くのは随分久しぶりだった。島唄は1993年リリース。もう1…